What’s more is that this genetic variation can be passed down from parent to child, making alcohol intolerance an inherited condition. We may never know for sure but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a glass of vino every now and then. If you suffer from this perplexing phenomenon, just remember that you’re not alone – and there are worse things in life!
How To Prevent Nasal Congestion After Drinking Alcohol
This can be done by avoiding heavily-oaked wines or those with a higher alcohol content. It’s important to note that sneezing after consuming alcohol is not typically a cause for concern, and for most people, it’s simply a harmless reaction. Additionally, some people may have allergies or sensitivities to specific ingredients in alcoholic beverages, such as grains, hops, or yeast. These allergens can trigger sneezing, nasal congestion, or other allergic symptoms in susceptible individuals. Alcohol usually contains sulfite compounds, and it is important to be aware of your sensitivity.
Can drinking alcohol worsen seasonal allergies and lead to sneezing?
- This will help reduce your nose’s contact with the drink and make it less likely to trigger a sneeze.
- When serotonin levels drop, pain signals are dysregulated, and people are more likely to experience painful conditions like headaches.
- The blood vessels around your nasal cavity can expand, making it a bit more difficult to breathe normally.
- Researchers estimate that 8% of the world’s population has a defective ALDH2 gene.
If you’re allergic to alcohol, you may experience hives, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, and wheezing. If you experience these symptoms sneezing after drinking alcohol, you must see a doctor as you may need to be treated for an why does alcohol make me sneeze allergy. This article provides clarity by explaining the key differences between alcohol intolerance and alcohol allergy.

Causes of Stuffy Nose on Drinking Alcohol
Individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions, such as allergies or asthma, may be more susceptible to alcohol-induced sneezing. The amount of alcohol consumed does not necessarily correlate with the likelihood of what is Oxford House sneezing. The most common of these compounds are sulfites, which are typically highest in beer, brown liquor, and cider. Even if people don’t consume enough alcohol to cause a hangover, they can still get a headache from drinking. Many people are familiar with common side effects of alcohol, including lowered inhibitions, euphoria (i.e., feeling “tipsy”), decreased coordination, and hangovers.

- While the exact cause is not fully understood, several theories attempt to explain why some people experience this reaction.
- Besides wines, fruits like bananas, kiwi, melons, and grapes can also contain sulfites, though in much smaller amounts.
- People who are sensitive to histamine may experience more severe symptoms than those who are not.
- In contrast, a food intolerance or sensitivity, which is more common, involves the digestive system and typically presents less severe symptoms, such as digestive problems.
Allergy testing can determine if a person is allergic to histamine or other compounds found in red wine. A skin prick test or blood test may be used to detect an allergic reaction to the particular compounds that are present in red wine. If a person is found to be sensitive to red wine, they may need to avoid it altogether or switch to white wine, which contains a lower concentration of histamine. It is important to note that not all allergic reactions to red wine are caused by histamine. The build-up of histamines can then trigger the allergy-like symptoms when certain foods or drinks, such as alcohol, are consumed. It is important to talk to a doctor to get the proper diagnosis and treatment plan for histamine intolerance.
- People with this gene deficiency suffer two-fold from allergic symptoms to alcohol.
- Alcohol has been known to cause dilation of blood vessels, including those in the nasal passages, leading to congestion and potentially triggering sneezing.
- Younger wines like crisp whites and rosés, and anything with a screw top is far less likely to have mould.
- It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.
- Stuffy nose problem is also termed as sinus congestion which often occurs due to presence of preservatives like sulfur dioxide.